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Be a Learning, Sustainable or Digital organization.

WHAT IS A LEARNING ORGANIZATION?A learning organization is an organization skilled at creating, acquiring, and transferring knowledge …
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Definition of the sustainable term followed by a description of the strategies used to balance the economic, social, and environmental dimensions …
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The results of studies have shown that the ability to understand and perceive certain subject matters in various ways and in a different environment …
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WHAT A DIGITAL ORGANIZATION LOOK LIKE Digital transformation requires strong leadership to drive change. Companies in all industries …
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A Learning Organisation is an organisation that makes a working environment enhance the employees personal and professional growth and uses the best potential of its employees.

LLA Events
Great things which we organize
Academic Economic Congress (AEC)
Consulting will help you assess your business scenario and offer you advice on tackling the challenges, making use of the opportunities and growing your business. Read more..
Annual meeting Ambasadors of Knowledge
The Ambassadors of Knowledge Meeting is an event organised by Life Learning Academia, where existing Ambassadors of Knowledge meet and new ones appointed to this honorary function. Read more..
International Mentoring Conference – IMC
We do our best to ensure that all of our services are tailor made depending on your unique needs. We look at various reports and channels of communications. Read more..
Upcoming Events
Two days of live presentations will cover the most significant topics in the realm or career of mentoring. Presented by experts in the field, this special event offers various practical programs, good examples presented by mentors and mentees. There will be showcasing of professional development across organizations, faculties, schools and communities.
Latest News .
Slovenia is not one of the largest countries in terms of the territory, or one of the materially richest countries in the world, but it is not poor and boasts well-educated, innovative and entrepreneureal people.This can be our advantage, if only we can show enough deliberation and will to be able to join our forces in achieving our common goal. And this goal is an open-minded, competitive society or a country which is able to ensure welfare and satisfaction as well as the feeling of emotional attachment to the country and nation, and dignity to its citizens.

Do you think that Young managers that appear on the market actually have enough knowledge and experiences? In all generations, and it is the same in today’s young managers’ generation, there are some great and high potential leaders. My impression is that the new generation is very agile and ready to learn and find new models of work and innovative solutions. Acces to information and technologies is very easy for the young generation, and they use it properly. Experience is something we all collect all our life, but readiness to challenge the status quo and to find new and more creative and effective ways to make business more successful, is something which is by nature more related to Young people and they have to insist on it.

Guidelines for Young people for the future?Absorb knowledge, be critical and test your perspectives and ideas in practice all the time. And in the meantime do not forget to connect, communicate and love your life.

čeče se organizacije torej pojma učenje ne smejo omejevati samo na strokovne vednosti in znanja, temveč morajo na vsakem koraku vključevati vrednote družbene odgovornosti, da bo iz tega nastala kultura pri vse več ljudeh, iz nje etika kot prevladujoča praksa ocene, kaj je pravilno ravnanje, in iz slednje norma družbene odgovornosti. Le-ta bo vplivala na vrednote posameznikov in jih prenovila iz ozke in kratkoročne sebičnosti v bolj celovito in zato vse bolj smiselno in vsem koristno lastnost. (povzetek iz prispevka v reviji Moč znanja—junij 2015).

Kot varuhinja človekovih pravic menim, da je zdaj prelomen čas. Neperspektivnost okolja in posledično izseljevanje delavcev nas mora prisiliti k širitvi pozitivnih idej, kot je projekt Akademije za vseživljenjsko učenje, da bodo mladi videli svojo prihodnost v Sloveniji. Mladi imajo ogromno znanja, mi imamo izkušnje in zdi se mi, da lahko to lepo združimo. Nekateri se bojijo, da bi jih mladi presegli, zato jih ne vključujejo v delovno okolje. Jaz se jih ne bojim, okoli sebe želim zbrati najboljše svetovalce, zato se delovanja z mladimi zelo veselim in vsakega spodbujam, da nam pokaže kakšno inovacijo, novo pot .

Znanje v našem podjetju predstavlja eno izmed tmeljnih vrednost, ki je povezana z odličnostjo naših delovnih procesov. Priznanje 'Učeče se organizacije' je veliko priznanje za vsakega Talumovca. Dokazuje, da Talumovci, ki s svojim znanjem kot eno ključnih vrednot in s svojo odličnostjo kreiramo to učečo se organizacijo. Izraža našo pripravljenost na nenehno učenje in da je to ena izmed ključnih vrednot v zavesti vsakega Talumovca

Občina Hoče-Slivnica je ponosna učeča se organizacija. Z vodenim procesom Life Learning Academia – Learning Brand smo preprosto uspešnejši na lokalnem, regionalnem in mednarodnem nivoju. Z veseljem se poslužujemo predpisanih ukrepov in aktivnosti, ki nam omogočajo, da teoretično znanje implementiramo v vsakdanje delovno okolje. Učne procese nadgrajujemo, izpopolnjujemo in nagrajujemo. Znanje, ki ga imajo naši zaposleni pa nam omogoča, da dosegamo odlične rezultate in smo pri delu učinkoviti. Posledično imamo visoko motivirane zaposlene, ki imajo ustvarjalno delovno okolje in so pri opravljanju svojega dela srečni in izpopolnjeni. Ponosni smo na skupno sodelovanja in iskreno hvaležni, da smo del družine Learning Brand.

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