Usposabljanje mentorjev – začetni seminar/ Training for mentors – Introductory seminaar

Usposabljanje mentorjev – začetni seminar/ Training for mentors – Introductory seminaar
Usposabljanje mentorjev je ključnega pomena za zagotavljanje, da bodo mentorji imeli potrebne veščine in znanje za učinkovito podporo in vodstvo novih ali manj izkušenih članov organizacije. Usposabljanje mentorjev je naložba v razvoj kadrov in lahko pomaga ustvariti močno in povezano delovno okolje, kjer se novinci lažje prilagajajo in uspevajo.
Mentor training should be an ongoing process to ensure that mentors stay updated and proficient in their roles. Providing mentor training is an investment in building a strong mentorship program that benefits both mentors and mentees and contributes to the organization’s success.Creating effective training for mentors involves a structured approach to ensure that they are well-prepared to fulfill their roles effectively.
Speaker Description:
Dr. Marjetka Kastner is an inventor of the processes for Sustainable, Learning and Digital organizations. With followed processes organizations can transform themselves to produce success. Marjetka is always committed to the purpose – of developing the people and changing the climate/energy inside the organization. She started training and certifying organizations as far back as 2008. Since then hundreds of companies and individuals have been trained and certified worldwide. In 2016 she was among the first recognized and awarded Social responsibility leaders from the IRDO Institute. Certificate Harward Mentor.
Oct 10 2023
10:00 am - 1:00 pm
COST €150.00