Postani učečaorganizacija in pridobi cartifikat LEARNING BRAND


Organisations in the future will not be able to operate successfully without learning and knowledge components. That’s why an increasing number of organisations are becoming aware of the fact that learning and knowledge are the ingredients without they will not exist in the future and they will not be able to work successfully.


Pridobite certifikat LEARNING BRAND

Life Learning Academia je ekskluzivni ponudnik certifikacijskega programa, imenovanega "Učenje blagovne znamke", s katerim podjetja in javne institucije postanejo učne organizacije.

Naši stebri

LLA Dogodki

Velike stvari, ki jih organiziramo

  Academic Economic Congress (AEC)

Svetovanje vam bo pomagalo oceniti poslovni scenarij in vam ponuditi nasvete za reševanje izzivov, izkoriščanje priložnosti in rast vašega podjetja.  Read more..

 Annual meeting Ambasadors of Knowledge

Srečanje Ambasadorji znanja je dogodek, ki ga organizira Life Learning Academia, kjer se srečujejo obstoječi ambasadorji znanja in novi, imenovani v to častno funkcijo. Read more..

  International Mentoring Conference – IMC

Trudimo se zagotoviti, da so vse naše storitve prilagojene vašim potrebam. Pogledamo različna poročila in komunikacijske kanale.  Read more..


Organizacije z pridobljenim cartifikatom
Prejemnikov priznanja REFERENCA

Prihajajoči dogodki

There are a number of ways in which the consultants can help businesses grow. The first thing that they do is re-evaluate the core targets and the present models of your business. After that, they generate the identity of their brand in accordance with the mission, values, beliefs and the strengths.

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