Life Learning Club omogoča članom različnih narodnosti, da se družijo in se medsebojno učijo. Z veliko seminarji, delavnicami, okroglimi mizami… je ta klub prostor za učenje, izmenjavo in razvoj novih načinov razmišljanja in povezovanja ljudi.
Klub Life Learning je tudi pospeševalnik rasti, motivacije in priložnosti, da svoje znanje prenesete na naslednjo stopnjo. Obstajajo namenski dogodki in prostori za vas, da vzpostavite stike, ki bodo vodili vašo osebno in profesionalno kariero, kjer želite.
- All individuals within companies cooperating in the certification process Learning Organisations Learning Brand
- Individuals, who wish be in constant update of information and new knowledge.
Life Learning Academia conducts education for individuals and organisations via the Life Learning Club.
Membership of an organisation in the Life Learning Club is FREE to all organisations actively enrolled or certified in the Learning Organisation process Learning Brand and membership is automatically extended to all its employees. Members are eligible for all benefits offered by the Life Learning Club.
When an organisation cancels its participation in the Learning Brand Method , that said organisation automatically forfeits its free membership as well as its employees’ but they may enroll themselves again in Life Learning Club as individuals.
Membership fee:
- Individuals 25,00 Eur
- Compaines 350,00 Eur
In Slovenia’s society the acquisition of knowledge is a right, although some treat it as a duty. Seize this opportunity and join our motto: