Logo Life Learning Academia SAVE THE FOOD
Logo Life Learning Academia SAVE THE FOOD

Findings show that our planet has enough food and water for everyone, provided that we show a responsible and wise attitude to both.Our project aims to emphasise the need to raise awareness that some people live with an abundance of these two essentials, whilst others don’t have enough to survive.  Findings show that Europeans and Americans alone throw away about 160 million tons of food a year; we believe that together, we can positively change this.

How do we save food and share it with those in need?How do we raise awareness so that we don’t leave food on our plates, and thereby contribute to those who are hungry all over the world?  How do we reduce food waste?

These are the basic questions we address when we cooperate with hotel chains, hotels, restaurants, distributors and other players to raise awareness about food management and consumption.  

Let me describe the project in a few words.  What's the point?

Tourists, especially those with all-inclusive packages, usually pile too much food on their plates to eat, and this is also true for self-service restaurants guests. If they only put on their plates what they’ll eat, then a lot of food that is currently wasted can be re-distributed to those who do not have any or enough food.

What are the main benefits of the project?

  We save the food

  We reduce wasted food

  We reduce hunger

  We raise healthy people

  Raise the bar of awareness around the world with care for each other

Our target group will be hotel chains around the world. We would like the hotel chains, restaurants…to evaluate the feasibility of this concept and follow our idea. This could possibly become a policy guide for hotels around the world, making everyone more aware of hunger issues and getting them to assist in alleviating the problem.
We are preparing a “Letter of Intent” and getting it signed by all the corporate partners on 5th June, at our annual event called Academic Economic Congress – AEC which take place in Ljubljana, SLO.
Culinary chefs, directors of restaurants and hotel owners.
In the hotels around the world – where hotels leaders and owners accept this policyGuide, private rooms with the program all inclusive
Every month the master chef of the kitchen must write the report about the saved food. This he can do by comparing the consumed food of past months with current consumption. Every little change counts!

Every gesture counts, which is why we want responsibility to start with us.
Let’s put only as much food on our plates as we can eat.

Please help us create a better future for all of us!  

Life Learning Academia, Conceptual Project Manager