Mladinski center Prlekije – Pokrajinski center NVO
predstavlja učečo se, brezplačno, vsem dostopno mesto, kjer potekajo najrazličnejše oblike neformalnega usposabljanja za mlade ter druge zainteresirane posameznike in skupine. Učeča se točka omogoča učinkovit, aktiven in sodoben pristop k neformalnim oblikam učenja. Vključene spodbuja k samostojnosti in lastni aktivnosti, ki je za uspešno učenje ključnega pomena, na razpolago pa je seveda uspešna mentorska pomoč. Z aktivno vključitvijo si lahko posamezniki izboljšajo svoje življenje, obogatijo svoje znanje in postanejo bolj konkurenčni pri iskanju zaposlitve.
Prlekija youth center – Regional Centre NGO
represents a free of charge learning place to any accessible, where held various formn of informal training for young people and other interested individuals and groups. Learning point allows efficient, active and modern approach to non-formal forms of learning. Center Including individuals and encouraging them to own autonomy and activities, which are crucial for a successful learning. A successful mentoring assistance is of course available free of charge. With the active involvement individuals can improve their lives, they enrich their knowledge and become more competitive in the job search.

Mladinski center Prlekije is Youth center in the slovenian village, in the middle of nature, surrounded by forests, with a garden for self-supply.
There is large grassy area for camping, eco hostel, Social Entrepreneurship, children’s playground, table tennis, handball, board games …
We also care for 32 sheep. We process the garden ourselves and we prepare healthy meals, we invest in vegetables, prepare marmalades, compotes …

Aims of our organization:
– to take care of informal learning, training and increasing the competences of young people
– provide young people the access to the labor market and develop the entrepreneurship of youth.
– to take care for young people with fewer opportunities in society,
– to promote volunteering, solidarity and intergenerational participation by youth
– to take care of youth mobility and international integration,
– to take care of a healthy lifestyle and to prevent various forms of dependence on youth.
Every month there are various activities and workshops for young people (sports competitions, culinary workshops, travel lectures, career workshops, creative workshops, exhibitions of young artists …

Volunteers help prepare activities, teach their own language, prepare workshops according to their interests, share their knowledge with others.