Open University Umag "Ante Babić" is a public institution located in Umag (Croatia), founded by the City of Umag. The institution has over 65 years of experience in adult education.
Open University Umag "Ante Babić" provides formal educational programmes like elementary school, vocational school programmes, specialized courses and trainings, language courses as well as informal programmes. The University of the Third Age is part of the institution since 2003 providing a great variety of informal programmes for senior citizens.
Our target groups are adult learners over the age of 14. With the offer of our programs, we respond to the very different needs of individual target groups. We adapt the programmes to their needs, and based on them we determine the goals, contents and choose methods and forms of teaching.
The institution has experience in international cooperation and partnerships and has participated into 5 projects funded by the European Social Fund. It has realized 2 Erasmus+ KA1 projects and 1 KA2 Erasmus+ project - Strategic Partnership for Innovations, particularly focused to the development of digital skills and innovative teaching methods.
Since 2023 the institution is an ERASMUS-accredited institution in adult education.
Learning Point No.6
Pučko otvoreno učilište - Universita' popolare aperta “Ante Babić”
Trgovačka 6, 52470 Umag - Umago
Pučko otvoreno učilište „Ante Babić“ Umag osnovano je 1956. godine pod imenom Narodno sveučilište „Ante Babić“. U okviru Učilišta odvijala se djelatnost obrazovanja odraslih, osnovnog glazbenog obrazovanja, djelatnost knjižnice, glazbeno-scenska, galerijsko-izložbena i kino prikazivačka djelatnost te organizacija značajnih manifestacija i priredbi na području Grada Umaga. Promjena zakonske regulative i snažni razvoj svih navedenih djelatnosti tijekom posljednja dva desetljeća donijeli su čitav niz strukturno-organizacijskih promjena te se od 01. 01. 2018. godine Učilište Umag bavi isključivo djelatnošću obrazovanja odraslih i cjeloživotnim učenjem.
Učilište Umag odraslim polaznicima danas pruža izuzetno velike mogućnosti: završetak osnovne škole, stjecanje kvalifikacije ili prekvalifikacije na srednjoškolskim programima, učenje za "drugu karijeru" kroz mnogobrojne programe osposobljavanja za uslužne, informatičke, turističko-hotelijerske i poljoprivredne poslove. Potiče osobni razvoj kroz stjecanje jezičnih kompetencija na verificiranim i specijaliziranim tečajevima stranih jezika te putem javnih predavanja i drugih oblika edukacije, nastoji zadovoljiti potrebe za obrazovanjem lokalnog stanovništva.
Od 2003. godine u okviru tadašnjeg Odjela obrazovanja, razvija se projekt Učilišta za treću životnu dob, koje stavlja u ravnopravni položaj sve generacije grada Umaga, osiguravajući pravo na učenje, socijalnu uključenost i podizanje kvalitete života osobama treće životne dobi. Uz kontinuiranu financijsku potporu Grada Umaga i Istarske županije svi programi Učilišta za treću dob su ili potpuno besplatni ili uključuju simboličnu participaciju polaznika.
Od 2011. godine Učilište Umag korisnik je sredstava Europskog socijalnog fonda te osigurava besplatne edukacije građana, sklapa partnerstva s drugim učilištima, gospodarskim sektorom, poslodavcima i institucijama iz lokalne zajednice i izvan nje. Zahvaljujući sudjelovanju u Erasmus + projektima jača vlastite kapacitete i pruža stručnu podršku nastavnicima – vanjskim suradnicima koji sudjeluju u realizaciji obrazovnih programa.
Učilište Umag je član Zajednice ustanova za obrazovanje odraslih Republike Hrvatske, od samog osnutka ove strukovne udruge, te je član Zajednice za razvoj ljudskih potencijala i obrazovanja odraslih HGK.
Učionice Učilišta su opremljene suvremenom didaktičkom opremom, praktikumima za izvođenje programa osposobljavanja, dvorane su klimatizirane, a zgrada raspolaže liftom što obrazovne programe čini dostupnim osobama s posebnim tjelesnim potrebama i starijim osobama. Lokacija zgrade je izuzetno povoljna, Učilište se nalazi na novouređenom Trgu 1. svibnja, što impozantnu građevinu još više izdvaja te daje značaj učenju i poučavanju.
Ante Babić (1916. – 1944.)
Više o Anti Babić čije ime ponosno nosi Učilište Umag možete pročitati na Istrapediji.
Pučko otvoreno učilište „Ante Babić“ Umag kontinuirano prati potrebe lokalne sredine te svoju obrazovnu ponudu nastoji prilagoditi i uskladiti s tržištem rada čime je postalo jedan od temeljnih stupova društvenog razvoja Grada Umaga.
Budućnost poslovanja i razvoj ustanove Učilište vidi u novim programima, suradnji s gospodarstvom, fondovima EU i dostupnosti obrazovnih usluga svim društvenim skupinama te u primjeni novih metoda učenja i poučavanja sa kojima je započelo u zadnjem desetljeću, a zahvaljujući kojima već danas uspješno djeluje i izvan okvira lokalne zajednice.
"Ante Babić" Public Open University Umag was founded in 1956 under the name "Ante Babić" National University. Adult education, basic music education, library activities, music-stage, gallery-exhibition and cinema screening activities, as well as the organization of important events and performances in the area of the City of Umag took place within the framework of the College. The change in legal regulations and the strong development of all the aforementioned activities during the last two decades have brought about a whole series of structural and organizational changes, and since January 1, 2018, the Umag School has been exclusively engaged in adult education and lifelong learning.
Today, the Umag University offers adult students extremely great opportunities: finishing elementary school, obtaining a qualification or requalification in high school programs, studying for a "second career" through numerous training programs for service, IT, tourism-hotel and agricultural jobs. It encourages personal development through the acquisition of language competences at verified and specialized foreign language courses and through public lectures and other forms of education, and strives to meet the educational needs of the local population.
Since 2003, within the framework of the Department of Education at that time, the project of the College for the Third Age has been developed, which puts all generations of the city of Umag on an equal footing, ensuring the right to study, social inclusion and raising the quality of life for people of the third age. With the continuous financial support of the City of Umag and the County of Istria, all programs of the School for the Third Age are either completely free or include a symbolic participation of the participants.
Since 2011, the University of Umag has been a beneficiary of funds from the European Social Fund and provides free education for citizens, enters into partnerships with other schools, the economic sector, employers and institutions from the local community and beyond. Thanks to participation in Erasmus + projects, it strengthens its own capacities and provides professional support to teachers - external collaborators who participate in the implementation of educational programs.
The Umag School has been a member of the Association of Institutions for Adult Education of the Republic of Croatia, since the very foundation of this professional association, and is a member of the Association for the Development of Human Resources and Adult Education of HGK.
The classrooms of the College are equipped with modern didactic equipment, workshops for carrying out training programs, the halls are air-conditioned, and the building has an elevator, which makes educational programs accessible to people with special physical needs and the elderly. The location of the building is extremely favorable, the University is located on the newly renovated 1st of May Square, which makes the imposing building stand out even more and gives importance to learning and teaching.
Ante Babić (1916 – 1944)
You can read more about Anta Babić, whose name Umag University proudly bears, on Istrapedia.
Public Open University "Ante Babić" Umag continuously monitors the needs of the local environment and tries to adapt and harmonize its educational offer with the labor market, which has become one of the fundamental pillars of the social development of the City of Umag.
The future of the business and the development of the institution is seen by the University in new programs, cooperation with the economy, EU funds and the availability of educational services to all social groups, as well as in the application of new learning and teaching methods with which it began in the last decade, and thanks to which it already operates successfully outside the framework local communities.