Javno Podjetje Centralna čistilna naprava Domžale-Kamnik d.o.o.
Razmišljanje o izgradnji čistilne naprave za čiščenje odpadne vode na območju tedanjih občin Domžale in Kamnik sega pred leto 1975, ko je bila za ta namen izdelana Študija odpadnih voda industrije mest Domžale, Kamnik, Mengeš, ki jo je izdelal Center za zaščito voda julija 1975. Že v tistem času je bilo območje Domžale ‐ Kamnik zaradi razvite in raznolike industrije eno najbolj potencialno onesnaženih območij v Sloveniji. Rezultat skrbi naših predhodnikov za zaščito reke je bil začetek gradnje Centralne čistilne naprave Domžale ‐ Kamnik leta 1975. Finančna sredstva so prispevali država, večji onesnaževalci in občini Domžale ter Kamnik, ki sta bili predhodnici današnjih občin, lastnic Centralne čistilne naprave Domžale ‐ Kamnik (v nadaljevanju CČN).
CČN je po obremenitvi četrta največja komunalna čistilna naprava v obratovanju v Republiki Sloveniji in čisti komunalne, padavinske in industrijske odpadne vode z območja občin Domžale, Kamnik, Mengeš, Komenda in Trzin. Z nadgradnjo v letu 2016 je pridobila infrastrukturo za odstranjevanje dušikovih in fosforjevih snovi iz odpadne vode. Čiščena voda izteka v reko Kamniško Bistrico, ki je gorska reka s hitrim tokom in se izliva v reko Savo.
Consideration of the construction of a wastewater treatment plant in the area of the then municipalities of Domžale and Kamnik goes back to before 1975, when the Study of Industrial Wastewater of the Towns of Domžale, Kamnik, Mengeš was prepared for this purpose by the Center for Water Protection in July 1975. Already at that time, the Domžale - Kamnik area was one of the most potentially polluted areas in Slovenia due to the developed and diverse industry. The result of our predecessors' concern for the protection of the river was the start of the construction of the Domžale - Kamnik Central Water Treatment Plant in 1975. Financial resources were contributed by the state, major polluters and the municipalities of Domžale and Kamnik, which were the predecessors of today's municipalities, the owners of the Domžale - Kamnik Central Water Treatment Plant (in continuation of CČN).
CČN is the fourth largest municipal wastewater treatment plant in operation in the Republic of Slovenia in terms of load and cleans municipal, precipitation and industrial wastewater from the area of the municipalities of Domžale, Kamnik, Mengeš, Komenda and Trzin. With the upgrade in 2016, it acquired the infrastructure for removing nitrogen and phosphorus substances from waste water. The purified water flows into the Kamniška Bistrica river, which is a fast-flowing mountain river that flows into the Sava river.