21. stoletje zahteva razvoj novih znanj oz. višjo raven usposobljenosti. Znanje se stara hitreje kot kdajkoli prej in ga je potrebno ves čas nadgrajevati. Vlaganje v razvoj znanj posameznika v vseh življenjskih obdobjih je nujno potrebno za napredek posameznika, gospodarstva in družbe.
The 21st century requires the development of new skills. a higher level of competence. Knowledge grows faster than ever before and needs to be upgraded at all times. Investing in the development of an individual's knowledge at all stages of life is indispensable for the progress of the individual, the economy and society.
Tu nastopi mentorstvo, ki ostaja najbolj učinkovit način za strokovno uvajanje in vodenje. V bistvu mora biti mentorski program nekaj najbolj osnovnega in naravnega v načinu prenosa znanj v organizacijah. Vsekakor morajo mentorji izpolnjevati osnovne pogoje in imeti ustrezna znanja in veščine s katerimi so usposobljeni za vodenje mentorirancev.
This is where mentoring is taking place, which remains the most effective way for professional introduction and leadership. In essence, the mentoring program must be some of the most basic and natural in the way of transferring knowledge to organizations. In any case, the mentors must fulfill the basic conditions and have the appropriate skills and competences with which they are trained to lead mentors.
The Learning Organisations programme includes intergenerational collaboration, placing great emphasis on mentorship in all of its phases as, on the one hand, knowledge transfer is necessary for younger generations to obtain practical skills and knowledge, and, on the other, for those who need mentorship to upgrade their existing skills and knowledge.
Through Life Learning Academia’s mentorship training, participants gain insight into the key competences of good mentors and tools for mentee recognition and motivation, which best enable goal setting and attainment.
The different tools and programmes in the programme provide participants with:
- insight into the importance of mentorship and mentor competence;
- active awareness of the mentorship code of ethics;
- mentee work tool ;
- explanatory guide on procedures and processes for effective assessment and monitoring of mentee progress;
- insight into the learning and knowledge transfer-learning style methodology.
*The basic mentorship programme facilitates awareness of individual learning styles and knowledge transfer methods based on different learning styles.
The training programme lasts one day.
On completing mentorship training, participants receive a certificate and free brochure titled “Mentors and Mentorship in Organisations”.
The goal of workplace mentorship is to achieve desired corporate performance objectives by enhancing mentor and mentee ability.
Mentors must be organisationally aware of what is transferred to mentees, that is, they must work and enhance performance and organisational structure where the process is implemented for company and workers alike. Mentor must facilitate active awareness in mentees of individual steps and phases leading to goal achievement. The mentor’s role is very important for young people first encountering organisations as these young people are potential employees.
Mentors obtain knowledge and skills to discover talent, which importantly helps organisations choose new employees and organisationally allocate them.
The mentorship code of ethics is a document signed by mentors at the start of the mentorship process; with this document, mentors undertake to treat mentees ethically and responsibly.
1) Who can be a mentor?
A mentor can be any person, regardless of age, gender, religion or political affiliation, willing to share and transfer knowledge, skills and experience to mentees. Mentors are those willing to invest their time, energy and knowledge in mentee management and development.
2) What does it mean to be a mentor and what are mentors’ basic skills and characteristics?
Mentors are trustworthy people who support, lead, advise and transfer knowledge and skills to less-experienced people. Every mentor should ask themselves the following questions:
- Why do I want to be a mentor?
- What are my competences?
- What competences do I need to become a mentor?
Mentors must be operationally competent professionally and able to manage the mentorship relationship. Furthermore, it is important that mentors are resourceful, good communicators, ready for ongoing education, positive and managerially able.
In order to successfully carry out mentorship work, mentors must have professional competences, knowledge of didactics, methodology and psychology, and a sense for working with people.
3) Why is it important for mentors to know what characteristics and skills they need?
This is important because the skills mentors possess form the way they assess mentees, and such mentor awareness will better enable them to become the best that they can be.
4) What mentee characteristics must mentors focus attention on?
The mentor must pay attention to mentee:
- Personal traits in order to optimise mentorship, e.g. how they communicate and how they are best motivated. We must be aware that mentorship relationships are learning processes and through this mentors work those who need to better develop their skills and knowledge. Mentors must be actively aware of mentee characteristics the process is to be successful in terms of leadership, encouragement, and the like.
*The mentee work tool enables participants to learn how to observe, ask questions and listen to potential mentees in order to understand their abilities, personal traits and motivation, as well as specific skills, knowledge and experience that together form talent.
- Abilities: mental and physical, e.g. speed and accuracy.
- Motivation: which generation mentees belongs to and what motivates them.
- Knowledge and skills: qualifications and competence.
- Talents (which he has in the field where a special distinctive talent is already being mentored).
5) What motivates the mentor?
Mentors cannot expect mentees to enjoy their work to the same degree they do at the start of the process. They must know that the first step in learning is enhancing mentee interest in and eagerness to obtain the knowledge mentors wish to transfer. Praise is a most successful motivational tool, punishment and threat demotivating. For younger generations, competition is strong motivation; here, mentors must ensure mentees have equal access to success; if this is not so, motivation will drop for all mentees, not just those with diminished access to success pursuant to mentor difference. To develop good motivation, mentors must focus attention on what motivates their mentees.
1) How do mentors prepare mentorship plans?
It is important that mentors determine what and how often to monitor progress, goal achievement, and the like. Mentors receive the mentorship plan in the brochure titled “Mentors and Mentorship in Organisations”, where a daily review schedule is provided.
2) Mentor-mentee communication methodology.
The mentor and mentee communicate via channels they agreed upon during their first meeting, this being important for up-to-date two-way notification.
3) Mentee Work Assessment Methodology
Various methods are presented to assess:
- work complexity (1-5)
- task understanding (1-5)
- quantity of performed work (1-5)
- quality of performed work (1-5)
- special achievement or mentee initiatives (1-5)
The maximum score possible on a day being 25, the minimum 10; mentors enters scores into the table provided in the manual.
The mentorship programme is intended for individuals wishing to upgrade their existing skills, knowledge and competences, and to better develop new ones.
The basic mentorship programme is offered by Life Learning Academia twice a year, at the beginning of January and at the end of September.
Comprehensive information about the programme is available at: info@llacademia.com or +386 (0)1 620 32 28 www.llacademia.com
Prijavi se tukaj: http://lifelearningclub.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/Prijavnica-na-izobra%C5%BEevanja.pdf
Program Učečih se organizacij zajema medgeneracijsko sodelovanje in daje v vseh fazah močan poudarek na mentorstvo, saj so prenosi znanj na eni strani nujni za oblikovanje mlajših generacij, ki z njimi pridobivajo praktična znanja in veščine, in na drugi strani za sodelavce, ki potrebujejo mentoriranje za nadgradnjo obstoječih znanj za boljše delo.
Na mentorskem usposabljanju, ki ga izvaja Life Learning Academia, dobijo udeleženci vpogled, katere so ključne kompetence dobrega mentorja in katera orodja lahko uporabijo, da prepoznajo mentoriranca, ga vodijo in z mentoriranjem pripeljejo na zastavljen cilj.
Preko različnih orodij in programov udeleženci dobijo vpogled v:
- pomembnost mentorstva in kompetence, ki jih morajo imeti mentorji,
- seznanijo se z mentorskim etičnim kodeksom,
- dobijo orodje za delo z mentorirancem,
- vodnik z razlago o postopkih in procesih za učinkovito ocenjevanje in spremljanje napredovanja mentorirancev,
- vpogled v metodo učenja in prenosa znanja - učni stili.
*Osnovni mentorski program omogoča spoznati kakšne učne stile imamo lahko posamezniki in kako je potrebno znanje glede na učne stile podajati ljudem. Udeleženci spoznajo, kakšen je njihov učni stil in pridobijo orodja za ugotavljanje učnega stila pri njihovih mentorirancih.
Program usposabljanja traja 1 dan.
Po opravljenem mentorskem usposabljanju prejmejo udeleženci potrdilo/certifikat in brezplačno brošuro z naslovom »Mentorji in mentoriranje v organizacijah.«
Cilj mentorstva na delovnem mestu je doseganje želene učinkovitosti podjetja, saj izboljša sposobnosti tako mentorja kot mentoriranca.
Potrebno je dobro poznavanje dela, ki ga želi mentor posredovati mentorirancu, dobro poznavanje delovnega okolja in institucije v kateri se izvaja proces ter poznavanje strukture organizacije in sodelavcev. Mentorirancu se morajo razložiti posamezni koraki in faze, ki vodijo h končnemu cilju. Vloga mentorja za mlade, ki vstopajo v organizacijo, je zelo pomembna, saj so lahko to potencialni bodoči sodelavci.
Mentorji pridobijo znanje in veščine za odkrivanje talentov, kar v organizaciji pomembno pripomore pri izbiri kadrov in pri razvrščanju kadrov na različna delovna mesta.
Mentorski etični kodeks je listina, ki jo mentor podpiše v začetku mentorskega procesa. S to listino se zavezuje, da bo z mentorirancem ravnal etično in odgovorno.
1) Kdo je lahko mentor?
Mentor je lahko vsak posameznik ne glede na starost, spol, versko ali politično pripadnost, ki je pripravljen svoje znanje in izkušnje deliti in prenašati na mentorirance. Mentor je lahko nekdo, ki je pripravljen svoj čas, energijo in znanje vložiti v vodenje in razvoj določene osebe.
2) Kaj sploh pomeni biti mentor in katere osnovne veščine in lastnosti mora imeti mentor?
Mentor je oseba, ki je vredna zaupanja, in ki podpira, vodi in svetuje ter prenaša svoje znanje in spretnosti na manj izkušenega posameznika. Vsak mentor bi se moral vprašati:
-Zakaj želim biti mentor?
-Kakšne so moje kompetence?
-Kakšne morajo biti moje kompetence, da lahko postanem mentor?
Osnovne/splošne lastnosti, ki naj bi jih imeli mentorji, pa so obvladovanje določenega poklica ali obvladovanje specifičnega strokovnega dela in primerno prilagajanje stopnjam mentorskega odnosa. Pomembno je tudi, da so mentorji iznajdljivi, komunikativni, znajo poslušati, so se pripravljeni stalno izobraževati, so pozitivno naravnani ter imajo določene vodstvene sposobnosti.
Za uspešno opravljanje mentorskega dela mora imeti mentor strokovne kompetence, znanje didaktike, metodike in psihologije ter smisel za delo z ljudmi
3)Zakaj je pomembno, da mentor ve, katere lastnosti in veščine mora imeti?
To je pomembno zato, da mu lahko veščine, ki jih ima, pomagajo spoznati in oceniti mentoriranca, saj ga lahko na podlagi teh spoznanj potem najbolje mentorira.
4)Na katere lastnosti mentoriranca mora biti mentor pozoren?
Mentor mora biti pozoren na:
-Osebnostne lastnosti mentoriranca: mentor se mora z mentorirancem spoznati do te mere, da spozna njegove osebnostne lastnosti (če je energična oseba, stabilna, če je oseba, ki jo je potrebno vzpodbujati, kako komunicira ...). Vedeti moramo, da niti življenje niti mentorski odnos nista proces uspeha, temveč proces učenja. Mentor s tem vstopa v proces interakcije z neznano osebo, ki je lahko daleč od tiste iz sanj.
Mentor mora poznati lastnosti mentoriranca, če želi vedeti, kako ga voditi, spodbujati ....
*Preko orodja se udeleženci naučijo opazovati, postavljati vprašanja in poslušati potencialne mentorirance z namenom, da pridobijo razumevanje o njihovih sposobnostih, osebnostnih lastnostih in motivaciji pa tudi o specifičnih veščinah, znanjih in izkušnjah, ki skupaj tvorijo talent.
- Sposobnosti mentoriranca (katere psihične in fizične sposobnosti ima (hitrost, natančnost...).
- Motivacijo mentoriranca (v katero generacijo spada in kaj ga motivira).
- Znanje in veščine mentoriranca (njegovo znanje, dosedanjo usposobljenost in njegove posebnosti).
- Talente mentoriranca (ki jih ima na področju, kjer se mentorira že poseben izstopajoč talent).
5) Kaj je motivacija za mentorja?
Mentorji ne smejo pričakovati, da bodo mentoriranci že v samem delu našli enak užitek kot oni sami. Vedeti morajo, da je prvi korak pri poučevanju, da pri mentorirancih vzbudijo interes in potrebo po znanju, ki jim ga želijo posredovati. Zelo uspešna motivacijska spodbuda je pohvala, medtem ko kazen ali grožnja demotivirata mentorirance. Za mlade je močna motivacija tekmovanje. Pri tem je potrebno paziti, da imajo vsi tekmovalci vsaj teoretično enake možnosti za uspeh. Prevelike razlike med boljšimi in slabšimi namreč povzročijo pri obojih upad motivacije. Za razvijanje kakovostne motivacije mora mentor usmeriti pozornost na dejavnik, da mentoriranci povežejo uspeh z lastnim naporom.
1)Kako mentor pripravi načrt svojega dela in dela mentoriranca?
Pomembno je, da si mentor določi kaj naj spremlja, kako pogosto, kako določi cilje, kako spremlja napredek mentoriranca itd. Načrt dela mentor dobi v brošuri z naslovom »Mentorji in mentoriranje v organizacijah«, kjer je priložen urnik pregleda po dnevih.
2) Metoda komuniciranja med mentorjem in mentorirancem.
Komunikacija med mentorjem in mentorirancem poteka po kanalih, ki jih skupaj dorečeta na prvem srečanju. Zakaj je to pomembno? (zaradi ažurnosti informiranja v obeh smereh)
3) Metoda za ocenjevanje dela mentoriranca
Predstavitev različnih metod za ocenjevanje. Po eni od metod se ocenjuje:
- zahtevnost dela (1-5)
- razumevanje nalog (1-5)
- količina opravljenega dela (1-5)
- kakovost opravljenega dela (1-5)
- posebni dosežki ali samoiniciativne pobude mentoriranca (1-5)
Največje število zbranih točk v enem dnevu je 25, najmanjše pa 10. Mentor v razpredelnico v priročniku vpisuje število točk, ki jih je posameznik dosegel.
Mentorski program je namenjen posameznikom, da nadgradijo obstoječe veščine, znanja, kompetence in razvijejo oz. osvojijo nove.
Osnovni mentorski program pripravlja Life Learning Academia dvakrat letno (navadno koncem septembra in v januarju).
Vse informacije o programu dobite na: info@llacademia.com ali na 01/620 32 28 www.llacademia.com
Po Končanem program dobijo udeleženci certifikat o opravljenem osnovnem programu za Mentorstvo.
Prijavnica: http://lifelearningclub.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/09/Prijavnica-na-izobra%C5%BEevanja.pdf