Stalne instalacije Narava omogoča
Projekt Narava omogoča je zastavljen v okviru Javnega zavoda Maribor 2012 – Evropska prestolnica kulture. Ob poti v Mestnem parku in okolici (na vrtu Invalidskega centra Maribor in Muzeja narodne osvoboditve Maribor) so postavljene interaktivne instalacije, ki omogočajo vsestransko čutno dojemanje okolja in ljudi. Pot je dostopna za invalide, del poti pa ima taktilne talne oznake za slepe in slabovidne. Ob poti je obiskovalcem na voljo digitalni vodnik, dostopen preko QR kode in mobilnih telefonov.
Številka :001/2012
Naslov : Stalne postavitve Narava omogoča
Avtor: Kulturno ekološko društvo Smetumet
Lastnik: CEA Smetumet, Mestna občina Maribor
Datum ustanovitve Učne točke : 14.12.2012
Permanent installations Nature enables
The Nature Enables project has been set up in the context of the Public Institute Maribor 2012 – European Capital of Culture. Along the path in the Town Park and the surrounding area (in the garden of the Maribor Disability Resource Centre and the Maribor National Liberation Museum), there are interactive installations that enable a versatile sensory perception of the environment and people. The path is accessible for the disabled, and a part of the path has tactile floor markings for the blind and the visually impaired. Along the path, a digital guide accessible through a QR code and mobile phones is available to visitors.
Number :001/2012
Title : Permanent installations Nature enables
Author : The Cultural and Ecological Association Smetumet
Owner : CEA Smetumet, Municipality of Maribor
Date of establishment of Learning Point : 14.12.2012