To deliver on its vision of creating globally competitive business leaders, the Life Learning Academia offers study abroad programs for leaders, sales managers, developers.
Advancing knowledge through research, developing globally competitive business leaders, and creating value for you and your company – all while living in and exploring a new country. Forge a plan for bringing a new product to market. Build an understanding of cultures and business practices in distant nations.
You can choose from a range of countries to visit. No matter which country and company you choose, you’ll emerge ready to hit the ground running in the world of business.
International Training Programme for Managers will inspire you with the experiemental individuals to show you the path of ambitious and mind-blowing innovation that will change the face of your career and business.
Accelerate your international ambitions and secure your place.
Let’s choose your business camp location:
Silicon walley
Immerse yourself in different culture, heritage and leisure offer. Leaders/managers who understand global industries and cultures achieve the greatest gains.
Through the program you will prepare ‘Market research’ by discoveries to help you build or upgrade business on global market place. Program helps you establish as global business professionals.
By advancing knowledge through applied research.
International experiences. The International learning requirement gives you an understanding of people of different nations and culture and can be fulfilled by this studying abroad.
By developing globally competitive business leaders and educators.
Develop business leaders/managers with a broad global perspective and the professional skills necessary to succeed in the global business environment.
Global outlook: We are committed to broadly developing an appreciation in our members for the cultural and social dimensions of the global business environment.
Professional perspectives: We are committed to developing professional and responsible future business leaders.
Innovation: We are committed to fostering innovative ideas and entrepreneurial thinking
What will we research and develop?
differences among countries (size, populations, number of citizens, history, culture)
differences among taxation
differences among Consumer behavior
defferences among Business ethics
International operations management
Supply chain management
Inventory theory
Alternative risk financing
Behavioral accounting
Design in marketing
Directors message:
Dear visitors of programme -“International Training Programme for Managers”,
you will not be just a number. Company staff and your International mentor will know you by name. You will develop marketable skills and upgrade international experience while attending “International Training Programme for Managers”. When you need help to share your business abroad, start here.
We will try to leave a deep impression on everyone who learns with us. We’ll make the International Training Programme for Managers”, a better place to live and work, and make our mark on the world.
Kindly wellcome!
Many people with training join a company and expect the company to train them. That’s not the right approach. There’s a lot of research on this, but there’s a current view I’m hearing regularly these days that about 70% of development should be about your own self-development, 20% might be from your direct boss and 10% might be from some central training function.
Successful business leaders travel to get new and share their own experience and build partnerships. We try to help our clients find their paths and attain their goals. We must also recognize that individuals have different needs based on the intersectionality of their backgrounds and identities.
Members learn how to conduct business in different cultures and countries, host guest speakers who share personal experiences, and travel to visit companies. It brings together thousands of businesses from around the world for a week. Of course the Cross-Border Training Programme for Managers”, is also a great opportunity for business networking and deal-making.
For more information about International Training Programme for Managers, contact the Life Learning Academia.
Tel. number: +386 1 620 32 28 or +386 31 536 868 or send us e-mail on: .
Life Learning Academia